You only live once. I recently learned that "YOLO" existed and how people use it to justify how they live their lives. I loved that tweet: "Easter: The day Jesus slapped YOLO in the face."I laughed really hard. Two days ago, we celebrated Jesus' conquer over death, the empty tomb, and His establishment on the throne as the King of kings. The day marked the beginning of our winner identities as believers... I really love winning. As I was spending time with God that morning, I listened to Robert Herber's Easter sermon from last year. (Sidenote: I was also situated on the shoreline of Gulf Shores and watched the waves hit the sand over and over again... Kind of like the way the presence of God was hitting me over and over again. It was beautiful and awesome.) The sermon was titled "Easter: The Doorway into Heaven." In His crucifixion, Jesus took on the sins of the world and tore the temple curtain, which separated the world from the tangible presence of God. Through Jesus' resurrection, we are promised eternity in paradise and complete access to heavenlies. We gained relationship with God and received the Spirit of living God.
Robert's teaching really got me just thinking about heaven and what that means to me. As believers, we are called the temple of God. Some define "heaven" as the never-ending presence of God. We house the Holy Spirit, God Himself! And as we live on earth, heaven intersects earth in each of us. Let me type that again because I think it's so cool. Heaven intersects earth in each of us because we each are the temple of God. We are the walking, living, and breathing heaven on earth. The presence of God, the piece of heaven in us, dispels the darkness of the world. It has the power to heal, empower, transform, encourage, counsel, lead, etc. We are called to share what's in us with the rest of the world because it is a world so desperately in need of heaven.
YOLO. Truth. You only live once because you live forever. Our lives on earth really do matter. The way we choose to carry the heaven in us matters. A life wasted on Jesus has proved itself worth it over and over again. As believers, we can choose to align ourselves with the heaven in us, or we can choose to quench it and live for something else.
I love that I carry heaven. #boom.
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