
Sunday, May 13, 2012

taking flight... literally.

My flight takes off at 5:15 p.m. tomorrow for Heathrow, London and then Bangalore, India. Tomorrow also marks the day that my parents are officially divorced. I know it's prophetic. Wow, God is literally closing one door and swinging open a beautiful door. It is an end and a beginning. God is so tender. Carl Gulley shared a quote in the sermon this morning: "We overestimate the moment and underestimate the process." So true. However, in this instance, God wouldn't let me forget the process. It's been a beautiful, hard process. There were plenty of times I overestimated the moment, and in those times, I allowed my circumstance to be bigger than my god. BUT God, he is patient and persistent, and his promise for restoration does not change. He is worth it all. I would do it all over again because he is worth it.

So often, the enemy wants us to settle for less than what God has promised. We sit in the circumstance, instead of seeing the opportunity to take flight. We set up our own limitations, and when we miss out, we blame God. Taking flight involves risk. There's the unknown and uncertainty, but isn't that where God meets us? When we release control and give him full reign, he can be all he was made to be to us. I want to live a life of risking it all! Never have I regretted risking it all in the hands of my god.

So this trip to India with my amazing team is my beginning, my beginning of risking it all. I'm taking flight physically to a different place and spiritually into a different season. And I'm excited. I look back and see the faithfulness of God. I look forward at the unknown, yet I see the faithfulness of God.

Also, I placed this awesome video at the end of this post. It's beautiful, and the people are so talented. Thank you, Kyle Walker, for showing it to me!

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