
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

he's a king... but really.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge..." Proverbs 1:7

I want to learn to fear God. A couple of weeks ago, we talked about the fear of the Lord in Lifegroup, but I've been wanting a fresh revelation of the fear of the Lord for a couple of months now. What does that even mean... to fear God? When I think of God, I think of my daddy. Even when I picture him on the throne, I gladly, cheerfully climb into his lap because I know I can. However, Jesus is a king. He's the king of kings. What does that mean for me? What does that even look like? I asked him today. And he simply said, "Be in awe of me." And then, I closed my eyes. I was surrounded by white brilliance. Wow. God is super majestic and radiant.

I look back in the Bible, and every time an angel or God would appear to someone, they would get super scared that they would die. I have not ever though I was going to die in the presence of God. Most of the time, I'm all over the place. Ha. But, in the Old Testament, only the high priest was allowed in the Holy of Holies, the tangible presence of God. He would have to go through this whole process of consecration before he could go in. And if it wasn't done right, BAM! Death. No wonder people got scared. Isn't it so cool though that Jesus is the High Priest of all time? Through his ultimate sacrifice, we step into the Holy of Holies. And God calls us his priesthood, as he is given us open access to his presence.

Although I have open access to his presence, I want to respect and honor him as he worthy to be. I want to obey him because I love him and fear him. I also want to hear other people's revelations...

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