
Thursday, February 21, 2013


Painting I did last weekend

Create. When it comes to the creating and designing world, I've been a tad insecure and rather timid. I feel like a stranger to that world. I remember in elementary school I would go to art class and would love it, but somewhere along the way, I told myself I wasn't the "artistic" type. I didn't take an art class again until some friends and I took photography together in high school. As highly-functioning, Type A ESFJ, the left side of my brain seemed more natural for me, more fitting, so I disregarded any desire to explore the world that seemed so foreign, yet so intriguing, to me. 

As I have journeyed with Jesus these last several years, I realized that I can and do create because I am made in the image of God. Therefore, I reflect the very nature of His being, the Creator. I remember my sophomore year Antioch put on a Create conference, which encouraged us to tap into the little creator in each of us. It was so fun, and that's when I got on my first painting kick. And to be honest, I wasn't very good, and I eventually quit again because comparison... Well, it is the thief of joy. I, again, decided that I would just be the administrative, book-smart, and analytical girl sticking to the status quo.

But... that's dumb. Slowly and surely, God has healed this part of me. I feel more myself than ever, from my clothing choices to my amateur painting abilities and blogging. I feel free to experiment and to fail. I am reminded that before this world drew a line between the artistic and the athletic, the creative and administrative, the Judger and Perceiver (Myers-Briggs), etc. God created each of us intentionally and wonderfully to showcase Himself... And he said, "It is good." So, I am going to take on this perspective and align myself with heaven. I create because it's fun. I create because I like doing what my Dad does. I create because I was created by the Creator, who makes no mistakes in his creation.

Don't get me wrong. I want to be good. I want my creation and design to be appreciated. I mean... Who doesn't? Creation is to be shared and enjoyed. However, people's reactions, or lack thereof, cannot be the determinant for my creation. I create because it aligns me with the nature of the One who is enthroned.

By the way, I wrote this blog while listening to a sweet EP, Yukon Neighbors, a few of my friends created. It's great!

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